It is my first modern game console that I've bought. I also own Nintendo WII, but it was a gift and the only real game that I have is Zelda (some also may say that WII is not a modern game console). When I was a kid, I had Pegasus - it was some kind of NES clone. I played Contra, Dig Dug and other great games. Then I bought a PC (yep, I'm a PC ;)) and felt superior to my playstation / sega saturn / amiga friends ;) At school we were talking about number of polygons and comparison of benchmarks between Playstation and Voodoo. Not to mention, I always felt that PC's are far better that any consoles.
Currently, I'm not so religious about it. Three years ago I upgraded GPU in my PC and most games still run quite smoothly. However, I was thinking about buying a game console. For me decision was quite easy. Imho, Playstation 3 has far better games compared to Xbox (the only game I could be missing is Gears of War). Before buying PS3, I waited for one of this games to be realeased: Heavy Rain, God Of War 3 and Final Fantasy XIII. I've already finished Heavy Rain and currently I'm playing GOW3. I've got only one thing to say: PC guys - buy yourself a PS3! ;)